I just finished the edit for Tattler’s Branch. Everyone say, “Yay!”

I had to cut some scenes and add some others. For instance: towards the end of one chapter it is raining. In the following chapter there was a change in POV but it is a sunny day. As the Bible says, it rains on the just and the unjust alike. And in the world of fiction, if it rains on one of my characters it must rain on the others. (smile)

My editor does not change what I write. She makes suggestions and points out places where I go amiss.  I nearly always bow to her expertise. This process makes my books much better. As a writer, it’s good to remember the goal is to turn out a really good book, not to be possessive of your words. It is cold and icy here inKentucky—I think I’ll go write a warm and sunny day.


  1. Okay, how is it that I have just discovered your blog? How wonderful. Can’t wait for the new book, and I miss you! You must plan a trip to Harlan County soon!

      • Yes, if we were only closer! We get to Lex every now and then to visit family, so maybe we can do lunch or something. Family is fine, boys are both in high school now and keep me busy. Writing, well . . . I’m actually doing some stuff for my children’s ministry, and back in the fall, as my son was running cross country, I covered meets for an online sports site (I basically got paid to attend his meets, take pictures and write a story–a great gig!). I hope to continue that during track season. The novel is still there; I’m praying for direction. Great to hear from you (and I love the Maggie stories here!).

        • I am not sure what made me pop by your blog today… Maybe some hankerin’ for some more of your charming reads. And to my surprise,Tattler’s Branch is almost ready!? When we will find it on shelves? I’d love to help you promote it when the time comes, Jan. #loveyourbooks
          God Bless,

  2. I just read the first chapter of Tattler’s Branch. Just like all of your other books, I am hooked. I can’t wait until it comes out. You were an amazing nurse when we worked together at CB, but you have also found your calling as a great author. All of your books have been good, you start reading them and just can’t put them down.
    Take care,
    Cheryl Green

    • Thank you for this, Cheryl. I miss our old days at the hospital. Can’t wait to see what you think about Tattler’s Branch.

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